☆ Blog
January 11, 2021

What Perfect Design Is? Synopsis

Solve the most critical problems

Perfect interface — the absence of the interface. At all.

From a Systems Theory viewpoint, any interface is a low-efficiency bottleneck where energy, speed, bandwidth, time, audience, and money are wasted.

Require to go deeper into the problem? Jeff Raskin's book “The Humane Interface” will definitely help you with this.

Perfect deadline — right now.

People who achieve results is never enough. Ideally, a useful result should be obtained right in this second. Maybe we already have a ready-made solution that we forgot about. Perhaps we have the resources that will provide an instant solution.

Also, possibly not. But if a person asks himself the question, “what is stopping him from getting the result right now” he will focus not on the technical task, not on issues, not on features, not on the endless stream of comments from the art director or the client. He will open to look for and solve the most critical problems and remove the thickest logs that lie on the road to the result.

The person who can think and move in this way could roll the mountains. In fact, he can be a designer, writer, or developer. He doesn’t perform his duties. He launches the projects. He doesn’t just write texts, draws an image, and holds a candle-light, but actively makes the way to the result.

Ideal tool — emptiness.

Perfect separator mark or punctuation mark, perfect background. If you manage to use emptiness, the design becomes lighter, cleaner, more readable. Better.

Both the wolves have eaten much, and the sheep haven’t been touched.

A strong designer is looking for a way to resolve the disagreement without loss from either side.

Stay strong in 2021
