Nikita Katz
Outcome-driven digital designer
19 posts
☆ Blog
Personally curated articles about design and digital itself

Part 2\2. Tired of Amateurs? Handpicked Signs of Bad & Top-Tier Designers

Hey, are you playing with tracking? Oh, you! Naughty, naughty! Bad designer! Stop right now!

Part 1\2. Tired of Amateurs? Handpicked Signs of Bad & Top-Tier Designers

It would seem that the principles of decent design are as old as the world. But shitty sites with drunk fonts, ticky-tacky graphics, and illogical solutions are still plentiful on the internet. The reason is usually simple: the one who accepted this design didn't understand damn even a thing about it and trusted the specialist view. But from artist to artist — discord.

What Perfect Design Is? Synopsis

From a Systems Theory viewpoint, any interface is a low-efficiency bottleneck where energy, speed, bandwidth, time, audience, and money are wasted.

Worst Thing In Digital Employees

If you take on something, then you are responsible for it. If you don't take on it, you don't respond. That's it.

Magic Pill for Designers & Writers

Before releasing an extensive material, I decided to share a few little thoughts.

8 Simple Steps to Get Right Designs

Imagine: It’s dark. Only narrow strips of sunlight find fault through the closed roller blinds, lying on the desk. The rustle of music in the headphones is barely audible. Periodically silence is disturbed by active mouse clicks and periodic tapping on the keyboard keys. Quiet, the exam is in progress! The designer creates masterpieces.